lunes, 9 de mayo de 2016

Eurovision Song Contest 2016

On Saturday 14th May the singer Barei will represent Spain singing her song "Say Yay!". Watch her videoclip and listen to her song. After that, answer the questions below in this blog.


1) What do you think of this song? Do you like it? Why (why not)?

2) Do you think Barei will win Eurovision? If not, in which position will her song finish?

3) Read the lyrics of the song. What is this song about?

4) Which is your favourite line in "Say Yay!"? Why?

5) Have you heard any other songs taking part in the competition? If so, do you have a favourite one?

Here you can listen to other songs competing in the Eurovision Song Contest 2016:

domingo, 11 de octubre de 2015

Welcome to your new KET group

Welcome to your Ket group!!!

Here's the first writing task you have to do this year.

Take a piece of paper and write down some reasons why learning English can be important for you in the future. When you are satisfied with your text, write it in this blog.

Hope to hear from all of you very soon.

Best wishes,

Your English teacher :)

miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2014

Speaking part 1 in KET

In part 1 the examiner asks you questions about a number of topics. The type of personal questions the examiner can ask you are similar to the questions below:

1) What's you name?
2) What's your surname?
3) How do you spell it?
4) How old are you?
5) Where do you live?
6) Can you tell me something about... your family / your school?
7) Do you have any hobbies? What do you like doing in your free time?
8) What sports do you like?
9) What do you usually do at the weekend?
10) Why are you learning English?
11) What sort of music do you like?

There are always a number of questions where you speak about the PAST. For example:

1) What did you do last weekend? or What did you do yesterday?
2) Did you go away on holidays last year? Where did you go? Did you have a good time? What did you do while you were on holidays?

There are also some questions about the FUTURE. For example:

1) What will you do after this class?
2) What are you going to do next weekend?

This month you have to select some of these questions and prepare a logical answer. Once you have written your answers on a piece of paper, check that everything is correct in terms of gramar and vocabulary.

When you are happy with the final product, record your voice asking and answering these questions. Record yourself as many times as you wish until you are happy with the recording, ok?

Finally, write an answer in this blog explaining:

a) Was it difficult to do this task? Why (not)?
b) Did you have any technological problems to record your voice? If so, what did you do to solve them?
c) Do you think you could answer these questions in the future in a natural way?

Once you have written an answer in this blog, send an email to your teacher and attach the audio files you have created with your voice recorded answering the questions. She will listen to you and give you a score for this task.

Aspects your teacher will consider for correcting:

     - Your pronunciation

     - The vocabulary you have used

     - The grammar expressions you have used (present, past and future)

     - Your fluency

     - The use of connectors and linkers to join sentences. Example: and, but, because, so, etc.

Good luck and hope you hear from you very soon!!!

martes, 14 de octubre de 2014

Welcome to the KET group!

Hello everybody!

October has started and you are in a new KET group, getting ready to sit for the University of Cambridge Key English Test. If you work hard this year, I am sure you will be soon ready to pass this level with flying colours!

So it's time to introduce ourselves in this blog and get to know a bit about the other members of our class.

In your introduction you must include the following information:

1) Your name (not your surnames or your address!) Remember you are writing in a blog and this information is PRIVATE, ok?

2) Your age (how old are you?)

3) Some information about your family (e.g. do you have any brothers or sisters? How old are they? Do you get on well with them?, etc.)

4) Something about your school (is your school a big school or a small one? Which are your favourite subjects? Which subjects you find more difficult?. Describe a bit your school: speak about its facilities, for example)

5)  your hobbies (what do you like doing in your free time?)

6) your favourite music (do you have a favourite singer or group? Why do you like him/her/them? etc.)

7) your favourite film (what type of films are your favourite ones? E.g. romantic films, science-fiction films, action films, horror films, etc)

8) your ambitions for the future (for example: "I want to be an astronaut!").

Now you can use these 8 questions to write a short paragraph introducing yourselves.

miércoles, 7 de mayo de 2014

KET Writing part 9 - Email to a friend

Question 56

You are going to meet your friend Pat at the cinema tomorrow. Write an email to Pat.

* when you will meet at the cinema
* which film you want to see
* why Pat would enjoy this film

Write between 25-35 words.

miércoles, 11 de diciembre de 2013


A story in pictures

Films tell stories, some of these stories are beautiful and have happy endings. Other stories are sad and have sad endings. There are many different types of films: romantic comedies, science-fiction films, adventure, thrillers, horror, detective films, etc.

What's your favorite film? This month choose a film you like and watch it in English (with subtitles if necessary). Write a paragraph explaining the story of this film and why you like it. Using the subtitles select 10 expressions you have learned thanks to the film.

Send these tasks to your teacher by email and also publish them online for everybody to read.

Enjoy your films!!! :)

jueves, 7 de noviembre de 2013


Write a short paragraph where you introduce yourself. Mention the following:

- your name (not your surnames)
- your age
- something about your family
- something about your school
- your hobbies
- your favourite music
- your favourite film(s)
- your ambitions for the future. For example, "I would like to be an astronaut!" :)